Water-retaining green roof Extensive B ROOF

Roof pitch 2-10°

Univerzální varianta skladby, která nad rámec svých vynikajících hydroakumulačních vlastností splňuje také požadavky klasifikace BROOF (t3). Schopnost skladby zadržet velké množství vody ji však řadí mezi řešení, která je nutno pečlivě a odborně navrhovat v závislosti na konstrukci střechy i místních klimatických podmínek.

Technical specifications

Vegetation form a sedum mat
Weight of the fully saturated composition 116 kg/m²
Installation height
Retention capacity* up to
Water capacity* at least
Drainage coefficient*

Structure description

  1. Rozchodníková rohož Stomat S5
    30 mm
  2. Extenzivní substrát EnviSub Extensive
    30 mm
  3. Hybridní deska Fire Protect 50
    50 mm
  4. Drenážní vrstva EnviDrain 17
    17 mm
  5. Separační a ochranná vrstva EnviTex 300 PP
    5 mm
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Other Envilope Roof System solutions

Select your perfect solution that meets your expectations on structure as well as on technical aspects of a building.


Universal variant for most of the Czech Republic territory. The advantage of the composition is its wide use, very fast installation and immediate functional and aesthetic effect.

  • Roof pitch 2–5°
  • Weight of the composition 114 kg/m²
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Variant for roofs loaded with high rainfall totals. The advantage of the composition is the excellent ability of rainwater retention, quick installation and immediate functional and aesthetic effect.

  • Roof pitch 0–5°
  • Weight of the composition 154 kg/m²
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Slope 10

The variant is ideal for sloping roofs with a slope of 5–15 °. The advantage of the composition is its functional use even on slightly sloping roofs, quick installation and immediate functional and aesthetic effect.

  • Roof pitch 5–15°
  • Weight of the composition 149 kg/m²
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Slope 30

Vegetační skladba navržená pro sklonité střechy. Nezbytnou součást skladby tvoří kotevní a protierozní systém.

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A light mineral variant that significantly slows down the flow of water into drains and wastes during heavy rain.

  • Roof pitch 0–15°
  • Weight of the composition 97 kg/m²
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